What is Cloud?

Answer:  Cloud computing is how commercial brokers achieve systems to meet client expectations, compete & succeed—without the typical costs and hassles of  IT.


Today, commercial real estate clients expect world class service and results…which means you need the world class enterprise capable systems to support your effort and success.  Yet, how does a single broker or even a typical brokerage firm invest in, implement, and support the hardware and infrastructure required to deliver enterprise-class systems?

Power Broker understands all of this…which is exactly why our application is built on the world’s #1 CRM in the cloud on one of the most proven and reliable system platforms in the world.   Power Broker runs on the top enterprise application cloud platforms in the world–Salesforce Force.com.  Force.com is beyond what even a typical large enterprise can reproduce internally–and certainly greater than what a single brokerage could create and support.

The Force.com cloud infrastructure delivers the world class level of reliability our Power Broker customers–and your clients demand.Traditional business applications and platforms are too complicated and expensive. They need a data center, a complex software stack and a team of experts to run them.  And today we all expect our business systems, the web, and our computing infrastructure to work all the time and in real time.

In sum,  cloud computing means that we use the computing   power, support, infrastrucure, and needed people power of a single   large enterprise focused on delivering us the computing   platform–all at a lower cost and without IT hassles and overhead.   For Power Broker, this computing power and infrastructure comes from our $10+ BILLION partner salesforce.com & the Force.com platform.  To Power Broker customers like you this means the highest levels of reliability,  security, and performance in ANY industry–not just real estate.  Extra capacity for you to grow.   No-hassle upgrades. And constant innovation, improvement, and   investment in the technology. No wonder companies run their businesses on the Force.com platform. Now you can too…with Power Broker.